The Genius Plague

The Genius Plague

When a worldwide pandemic unleashes a devastating mutation in human DNA, people with extraordinary abilities begin to emerge. They strive for greatness, but must also confront the harsh realities of their own mortality.

It was a dark and stormy night when the worldwide pandemic struck. The sound of sirens filled the air as people rushed to seek shelter from the deadly virus. In a sterile laboratory at the University of London, two geneticists frantically worked to find a cure. Dr. Jane, a renowned scientist with piercing green eyes and a wild mane of curly hair, stared at the microscope in front of her in disbelief. 

“This is unbelievable,” she muttered. “We always knew the pandemic had caused some kind of genetic mutation, but we had no idea it would manifest itself in this way.” 

Dr. David, a young man with a boyish face and wire-rimmed glasses, looked up from his computer screen with a sense of urgency. “It’s like something out of a science fiction novel,” he replied. “Do you think we’ll be able to find a cure for this?”

The pandemic had come on like a thief in the night, sweeping across the globe with a voracious hunger. It left a trail of death and devastation in its wake, but the worst damage it inflicted was not the loss of human lives. No, the true horror was the mutation it wrought upon the very fabric of humanity: our DNA.

It was estimated that nearly 99% of those who survived the pandemic carried the mutation in their DNA. This meant that more than 60% of the population was now affected by this strange and unpredictable alteration of their genetic makeup. The mutation remained dormant, hidden within cells, until carriers of the mutation had children. That was when the true extent of the damage became apparent.

It wasn’t long before people began to notice a strange phenomenon: a surprising number of children were showing exceptional talent, some of them even approaching genius level. At first, no one could explain it, but after decades of research, the truth emerged: all of these gifted children had been born to parents who carried the mutation. If one parent had the mutation and the other did not, the chances of having a genius child were 50/50. But children born to parents with no mutation showed no signs of exceptional ability.

At first, everyone was thrilled by this discovery. “Finally, something good to come out of that damn pandemic,” people whispered in the streets.

But it wasn’t long before the catch became clear. These geniuses had a tragic flaw: they did not live long. Most barely made it past the age of 40, and the rest were lucky to see 45. It was a cruel twist of fate that left many parents torn between the desire for exceptional children and the fear of losing them too soon.


At first, the mutation was a source of fear and dread for many people. Those who carried it were shunned and avoided, and parents who had it were terrified of passing it on to their children. They knew that if they did, their offspring would be doomed to a shortened lifespan and an uncertain future.

“I don’t know if I can do this, John. What if our child is born with the mutation? What if they only live until they’re 40?”

“I know it’s a risk, Sarah. But we can’t let fear rule our lives. We could have a genius child, one who makes a real difference in the world. And even if they don’t, we’ll love them just the same.”

“But what about the shortened lifespan? How can we put our child through that?”

“We can’t control everything, Sarah. All we can do is hope that the scientists find a cure before our child’s time is up. In the meantime, we’ll make the most of every moment we have with them.”

“I don’t know, John. It’s a big decision. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“I’m ready if you are. We’ll face it together, as a family. Whatever happens, we’ll be there for each other.”

But as the years passed, attitudes began to change. People became desperate for a way to outsmart the mutation, to find a way to have children who were gifted beyond measure. The mutation became a coveted trait, and parents who carried it were in high demand.

Many were willing to take the risk, hoping that a cure would be found before their child’s time was up. They knew it was a gamble, but the promise of a genius child was too tempting to resist. Even if it meant a shortened lifespan for the child, they were willing to take the chance.

It was a risky move, but one that more and more parents were willing to make as the years went on. They hoped that their gamble would pay off, and that their children would be able to live full and meaningful lives, despite the shadow of the mutation hanging over them.

And so, the cycle continued. Generation after generation of children were born with the mutation, growing into geniuses who made remarkable contributions to the world before their time was up. Their parents, both carriers of the mutation, hoped and prayed that their child would be the one to find the cure that had eluded scientists for so long.


As the years passed, the world changed and evolved, but one thing remained constant: the desperate hope for a way to stop the mutation and give people with extraordinary abilities the chance to live a normal life.

At first, the mutation seemed like a blessing. The average IQ on Earth soared to 150, and people were able to achieve incredible feats that would have been unimaginable just a few decades before. But as the generations passed, it became clear that despite their exceptional intellect, these geniuses were unable to find a cure for the shortened lifespan that plagued their kind. No matter how hard they worked, they were unable to reverse the damage that the mutation had inflicted on their DNA.

“It’s not fair, you know?” said Rachel. “We have these incredible minds, but our bodies can’t keep up with us.”

“I know, it’s frustrating,” replied Jake. “We can accomplish so much, but our time is always running out.”

“I just wish we had more time. I feel like I’m always racing against the clock,” said Rachel.

“Me too,” said Jake. “But we can’t let it hold us back. We have to make the most of the time we have left.”

“How do you do it, Sam?” asked Mark. “How do you stay motivated when you know you’re not going to live as long as everyone else?”

“I don’t know, Mark,” Sam replied. “I guess I just try to focus on the things I can control. I try to make the most of every day and not waste a single moment.”

It was a cruel irony, one that left many geniuses feeling bitter and frustrated. They had been given gifts beyond measure, but they had also been cursed with a shortened lifespan. They lived their lives to the fullest, making the most of every moment, but even with their exceptional intelligence, they were unable to find a way to cheat death.

After four more generations, the majority of people who did not have the mutation had died out. Almost all inhabitants of Earth lived only until the age of 40, their lives cut short by the mutation that had become almost universal. Those few who were born to parents and many generations without the mutation were rare and dwindling, either dying out or mixing with the mutated humans.

The main reason for the mixing was that even though these people could live to 100 years, their quality of life was greatly reduced. They were unable to communicate with the geniuses, who treated them as primitive relics of a bygone age. They were not a part of society anymore, but were kept in special enclosures, isolated from the rest of the world.

Here are some suggested corrections and changes:

“I feel so alone, Mary,” said Tom. “It’s like I don’t belong anywhere anymore.”

“I know how you feel,” replied Mary. “It’s like we’re a different species or something. Everyone else is so far ahead of us.”

“It’s hard to keep up, isn’t it?” said Jane. “I feel like I’m always falling behind.”

“I know, it’s frustrating,” said Mary. “But we have to remember that we have our own strengths. We may not be geniuses, but we have other talents and abilities that are just as valuable.”

“Do you think we’ll ever be able to fit in again, Bob?” asked Cindy. “Will we ever be able to be a part of society?”

“I don’t know, Cindy,” Bob replied. “It’s hard to say. But we have to keep trying. We can’t give up hope.”

Finally, they all died out or mixed with the new genius humans, their DNA lost forever in the tide of history. It was a sad end for a once-great people, but one that seemed inevitable in a world where the mutation had taken hold. The legacy of the pandemic lived on, a twisted reminder of the power of DNA and the fragility of the human condition.


And so, the people of Earth were left with a bittersweet legacy. They had achieved greatness, but at a terrible cost. The genius gene had brought them incredible advances, but it had also left them with a shortened lifespan.

But with time, people began to forget that humans had once been able to live to the ripe old age of 100. The upgraded human race, with its exceptional intelligence and shortened lifespan, became the new normal. And though they knew their time was limited, they took comfort in the fact that they were a part of something bigger, something that would endure long after they were gone. The legacy of the pandemic lived on, a testament to the resilience and determination of the human spirit.

This short story was written using Open AI Chatbot. All images were generated using DALL.E 2 (Open AI)