Venice’s Final Days?

Venice’s Final Days?

The rising sea levels have turned Venice into a shadowy, flooded metropolis. Desperate people struggle to survive amidst the trash-filled canals and pollutants. With their world on the brink of collapse, a group of rebels rise up to challenge the powerful megacorporation and bring about a better future for all. 

The once-great city of Venice had been reduced to a dystopian nightmare, a far cry from its former glory. Rising sea levels had submerged much of the city, transforming it into a flooded metropolis that was home to the desperate and downtrodden. The winding canals that were once a symbol of beauty were now filled with garbage and pollution, making them a dangerous place to navigate.

As I walked through the flooded streets, I couldn’t shake the feeling of despair that weighed heavily on me. The air was thick with the stench of rot and decay, and the sound of the rising water crashing against the crumbling buildings was a constant reminder of the city’s decline.

I overheard a group of people huddled on a street corner, whispering about their struggles to survive in this new, aquatic world. “I can’t even afford clean water anymore,” one woman lamented. “The Company charges an outrageous price for everything.”

The mention of The Company sent a chill down my spine. They were the all-powerful megacorporation that controlled every aspect of life in the city, from the train lines to the hospitals. They exploited the desperation of the people for their own gain, and anyone who dared to challenge them risked disappearing into the night.

The ruling elite lived a life of luxury and excess, high above the floodwaters in towering skyscrapers. These sleek buildings were connected to the mainland by a network of high-speed trains, allowing the wealthy to travel to and from the city with ease. They were insulated from the misery of the drowned city below, with their own private gardens, swimming pools, gourmet restaurants, and lavish spas.

As I walked through the opulent lobby of one of the skyscrapers, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of awe and disgust. The floors were made of gleaming marble, and the walls were adorned with expensive artwork. The air was filled with the sound of soft classical music and the gentle chatter of the wealthy residents. It was a stark contrast to the squalor and desperation of the flooded city outside.

I overheard a group of well-dressed men and women discussing their plans for the day. “I’m thinking of taking the helicopter down to the mainland for a round of golf,” one man said nonchalantly. “And then maybe a massage at the spa before dinner.”

Their carefree conversation was a stark contrast to the struggles of the people living in the flooded city below. It was a reminder of the vast divide between the privileged and the impoverished, and the injustice of a world where only a select few were able to live in comfort and luxury.

But I had to stay focused. I remembered my visit to the poor part of the city, a place where life was a constant struggle. The streets were lined with crumbling, mold-infested buildings, the structures barely standing despite the floodwaters that had long since engulfed them. As I walked through the narrow streets, I couldn’t shake the feeling of despair. Everywhere I looked, people were scavenging for whatever scraps they could find – bits of metal, broken appliances, anything that might bring in a few coins. Many had turned to crime to survive, forming violent gangs that terrorized the streets at night.

“We hit that warehouse last night,” I remember hearing from one of the women. “Got away with a ton of stuff. We’ll be set for a while.” It was a harsh reminder of the desperate measures people were willing to take in order to survive in this dystopian world.


The city of Venice was controlled by a powerful megacorporation known simply as “The Company.” They were responsible for the few scraps of infrastructure that remained in the flooded city, and owned everything from the train lines to the hospitals. They were ruthless in their pursuit of profit, exploiting the desperation of the people for their own gain.

But The Company’s greed knew no bounds. They had long denied the reality of climate change, and had done nothing to prepare for the rising sea levels that had inundated much of the city. They had watched as the city’s residents were forced to abandon their homes and businesses, and had done nothing to help.

Instead, they had seized the opportunity to profit from the disaster. They had bought up much of the remaining land in the city, and were now charging exorbitant prices for the use of their infrastructure. They had even gone so far as to build towering skyscrapers for the wealthy elite, while the rest of the city’s residents were left to struggle in the flooded streets. It was a clear example of the inequity and corruption that plagued this dystopian society.

But in the midst of all this darkness, there was one glimmer of hope: the Venice Underground. This group of rebels was dedicated to bringing down The Company and its tyrannical rule. They used advanced technology, smuggled in from the outside world, to disrupt The Company’s operations and bring about change.

One of the most dedicated members of the Venice Underground was Maria, a young woman who had lost everything to The Company’s greed – her home, her family, her future. But she refused to give up. Despite the risk to her own life, she devoted herself to the cause of bringing down The Company and its tyrannical rule. She used her skills as a hacker to attack the company’s systems from within, and was a vital member of the Venice Underground.

I had been recruited by the rebels in one of their secret meetings in London. My job was to help Maria in any way I could, and together we worked tirelessly to gather information and plan our attacks on The Company’s infrastructure. It was a constant struggle, as The Company was always one step ahead of us. They had their own army of high-tech soldiers, equipped with advanced weapons and cybernetic enhancements that made them nearly unbeatable. Maria and her fellow rebels were no match for them, and we were constantly on the run. Until today. Today was the day we would finally make our move.

I entered the Company’s building, my fake ID and pass scanned by the security guards at the front desk. “Good job, Maria,” I thought to myself, grateful for the flawless forgery provided by my ally in the Venice Underground.

They directed me towards one of the lifts, and I stepped inside, feeling a moment of nervousness as the doors closed behind me.

“Top floor, please,” I said to one of the guards, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Just need to check your pass again, sir,” he responded, scanning my ID on his handheld device. “All good, Mr. Jones. Enjoy the view.”

I nodded and tried to appear as casual as possible as the lift shot up to the top of the skyscraper. My heart was racing as I thought about the mission ahead – I knew that if I was caught, there would be no mercy from The Company. But the thought of bringing down their tyrannical rule gave me the courage to press on. When the lift doors opened, I stepped out onto the top floor, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The journey to the 112th floor took less than 10 seconds, the lift soaring upwards at dizzying speeds. As I stepped out onto the top floor, I was greeted by a breathtaking view of the cities on the mainland. The city below me, historical Venice, was shrouded in darkness, the only lights coming from the few remaining skyscrapers.

I spent a good while gazing out at the view, marveling at the beauty of the city despite its current state of decay. The sparkling lights of the mainland cities and the dark, mysterious depths of the flooded streets below were a stark contrast, a reminder of the vast divide between the privileged and the impoverished.

But as the night wore on, I knew it was now or never. I had spent months planning for this moment, gathering information and preparing for the attack. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my hand hovering over the button that would initiate the final phase of our plan. It was time to bring down The Company and its tyrannical rule, once and for all.

I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing with doubts and fears. Could we really bring down The Company, a powerful megacorporation that had ruled the city with an iron fist for so long? Would we be able to bring about the change that the people of Venice so desperately needed?

But then I remembered the faces of the people I had met on the streets of the city, the desperation and hopelessness in their eyes. I thought of Maria, and the other rebels who had dedicated their lives to this cause. And I knew that I had to try, no matter the cost.

Suddenly the lift door behind me opened. It was a security guard, whom I had met downstairs. “Sir, there is something wrong with your ID,” he said. “Do you mind if we check it again?” I looked at him and pressed the button. The plan was set in motion, and there was no turning back now.

This Short story was written using Open AI Chatbot. All images were generated using DALL.E 2 (Open AI)