On content generated with or by AI

On content generated with or by AI

In order to ensure that the audience is aware of the role that AI has played in the creation of certain content, it’s important to clearly label it as being “generated with AI” or “generated by AI”.

As AI becomes more and more prevalent in our daily lives, it’s important to consider the impact it’s having on various industries. Recently, the release of Chat GPT and DALL-E2 has raised concerns about their effects on academia and the potential for plagiarism.

In the world of education, there are concerns that students may be submitting essays that have been entirely written by Chat GPT or other similar tools. This not only undermines the integrity of the academic process, but also raises questions about the value of a degree if it’s based on work that hasn’t been solely completed by the student.

Plagiarism is another issue that’s been brought to light with the use of these AI tools. It’s easier than ever for people to pass off someone else’s work as their own with the use of Chat GPT or DALL-E2. This can lead to a decline in the quality and originality of the content being produced.

Google has reportedly seen Chat GPT and other AI tools as a threat to its search engine business, as they have the potential to flood the internet with AI-generated content.

In order to ensure that the audience is aware of the role that AI has played in the creation of certain content, it’s important to clearly label it as being “generated with AI” or “generated by AI”.

For text, this means specifying whether it was written with the assistance of AI or if it was entirely written by the AI tool. Similarly, for images, videos, or any other type of content, it should be clearly stated whether it was created with the help of AI or entirely by AI.

It’s crucial to be transparent about the use of AI in content creation in order to maintain trust and credibility. As AI continues to play a larger role in our society, it’s important to start a discussion about establishing guidelines and best practices for labeling and disclosing AI’s involvement in the production of content.

BW-AI Score

As the use of AI tools becomes more prevalent, it’s important to consider how they are being used in the creation of content. One key question is the extent to which AI was used in the process. To address this, I propose the creation of the BW-AI Score, a scale that measures the involvement of AI in the creation of content, with “B” representing “generated By AI” and “W” representing “generated With AI”.

The scale ranges from 1 to 10, with 1 representing minimal use of AI (e.g. grammar and spelling checked by AI) and 10 representing complete generation of the content by AI. The scale could also be expressed in terms of percentages, with 50% representing the point at which more than half of the content was generated by AI. See below example for details:

  • BW-AI 1 – 10% AI – e.g. grammar and spelling checked by AI
  • BW-AI 2 – 20% AI – e.g. grammar and spelling checked by AI, title generated by AI
  • BW-AI 3 – 30% AI – e.g. all the above and blurb/abstract/summary generated by AI
  • BW-AI 4 – 40% AI – e.g. all the above and introduction and conclusion generated by AI
  • BW-AI 5 – 50% of the content generated by AI
  • BW-AI 6 – 60% AI – e.g. AI suggested the outline of the article/blog post in response to a prompt
  • BW-AI 7 – 70% AI – e.g. all the above and more than 30% of the paragraphs written by AI
  • BW-AI 8 – 80% AI – e.g. all the above and more than 60% of the paragraphs written by AI
  • BW-AI 9 – 90% AI – e.g. all the above and more than 90% of the paragraphs written by AI
  • BW-AI 10 – 100% AI – Content entirely generated by AI

To make the BW-AI Score practical, AI text generating tools should be able to provide an estimate of their involvement in the creation of a final copy. This information could then be disclosed by students when submitting essays at universities, providing transparency and helping to maintain the integrity of the academic process.

Alternatively, the scale could be named the AZ-AI Scale, with “A” representing “All AI” and “Z” representing “Zero AI”. Regardless of the name, it’s important to have a clear framework for understanding and disclosing the use of AI in content creation.

Finally, using the BW-AI Score as a reference, I would estimate that this text has a score of 2. I used Chat GPT to check my grammar, spelling, and style, and I also utilized the tool to generate the title and the introduction.

The above suggestion is based on my exploration of content (short stories and poems) generation using Chat GPT and image creation using DALL-E2 in December 2022.

Text BW-AI Score: 2

Image BW-AI Score: 10

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